Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

Hello and Happy Canada Day from Seoul Korea!

We had a great day here. Despite a forecasted high of 28 there was a nice breeze and periodic cloud cover which made it quite comfortable. I see it is cool and rainy back home. After sending the girls off to school Deb and I went for a run along the river. Had our best runs ever here. A good start to the day! In the afternoon we walked over to pick up the girls at school and then took them by subway to Seoul Forest Park for a picnic dinner (see post in April for our previous visit here).

Here are the girls dressed in their Canada Ts waiting for the train to Ttukseom. And here are a few shots of them enjoying some activities there.

There was hardly anyone at the park, not surprising I guess given it was mid-week and late in the afternoon. So even Deb and I got to climb "meshman".

And here is the gang enjoying our Canadian picnic: egg salad and salmon sandwiches (not together!), chocolate milk (beer for Mom and Dad), watermelon and plums for dessert. Then Mom brought out some surprise treats: Canadian (see the flag) fruit gums and gummy worms (Lili's favourite!).

It was a nice relaxing time at the park. We'll have to do this more often. We did miss the traditional Canadian steak or burger BBQ. Looking forward to that when we get home. Hope you all have a great Canada Day!


Derek, Deb, Jin and Lili

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY CANADA DAY there too, from here - Canada!
    Forecast of high 20C and chance of thunderstorms all day wwwwway off - instead ski stayed cloudless and felt more like 30C, gathering a large crowd at park where we celebrated...!
    Just LOVE the photos you, Jin and Lili, with the gummy worms! Happy day after Canada Day for you now! Christine (Alex & Derek's Mom)
